National Assembly for Wales Cross Party Group on Diabetes

Minutes of Annual General Meeting followed by ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 10 February 2015 Conference Room 21, Ty Hywel



Jenny Rathbone AM (Chair)

Jeff Cuthbert AM

John Griffiths (lay Member)

Julia Platts (National Clinical Lead)

Elaine Hibbert-Jones (British Dietetic Association)

Gwenllian Griffiths (Deryn)

Camilla Horwood (Novo Nordisk)

Julia Coffey (Johnson & Johnson)

Alex Locke (Johnson & Johnson)

Becky Reeve (Sanofi)

Nicola Davis-Job (RCN)

Angela Magny (Roche Diabetes Care)

Ken Irwin (Roche Diabetes Care)

Jason Harding (Diabetes UK Cymru)

Dai Williams (Diabetes UK)

Pip Ford (Chartered Institute of Physiotherapy)

Robert Koya Rawlinson (Novo Nordisk)

Greg Titley (Lay Member)

David Chapman (Representing Medtronic)

Ros Meek (Medtronic)

Robert Wright (Lay Member)

Helen Cunningham (Office of Jenny Rathbone AM)

Jonathan Hudson (Astrazeneca)



Darren Millar AM

Dr Sarah Davies (Woodlands Medical Centre, Cardiff)

Lesley Jordan (Input)

Wendy Gane (Diabetes Peer Support)

Hugh Thomas (Community Pharmacy Wales)

Dr Lindsay George (Clinical Lead, Diabetes, Llandough Hospital)

Steve Bain (Swansea University)

Penny Hughes (Diabetes Peer Support)

Yvonne Johns (Diabetes North Wales Reference Groups)

David Millar-Jones (PCDS)

Scott Cawley (All Wales Podiatry)

Helen Nicholls (British Dietetic Association)


Annual General Meeting

i)     Annual Report & Financial Statement

Jenny Rathbone gave an overview of the annual report and financial statement that the members of the group had received. They were both accepted as a true record

ii)    Election of Officers

Jenny Rathbone stepped down as Chair and the rest of the meeting was chaired by Jason Harding. Jenny Rathbone was re-elected as Chair, and Helen Cunningham was re-elected as Secretary. It was agreed that Diabetes UK Cymru would continue to be the main support organisation.

Ordinary Meeting

1.    Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as a true record and there were no amendments


2.    National Diabetes Audit & Diabetes Delivery Plan Annual Report

Jason Harding provided the group with a written report on the National Diabetes Audit and Diabetes Delivery Plan Annual Report.


i)     National Diabetes Audit

The audit showed that a significant number of people are still not hitting their HBA1C targets. There is an overrepresentation of people with diabetes admitted to hospitals with stroke or heart conditions.


ii)    Diabetes Delivery Plan Annual Report

The Together for Health (Diabetes Delivery Plan) Annual Report showed that death rates and A&E admissions have fallen. Newly diagnosed cases of diabetes continue to rise and there are currently 182,000 people with diabetes. Jason informed the group that only 3 health boards have released their annual reports. An action point was agreed to write to the other four health boards to ask why theirs had not been released.


Pip Ford suggested that the Diabetes Delivery Plan Annual report should also be linking more with other national delivery plans and may be an issue for Chris Jones.


Think Glucose- Jason informed the group that hospitals that have Think Glucose seemed to be performing better than other hospitals, which could be an argument for a pan-wales approach. He also mentioned that there has been little work on prevention so it will be interesting to see how Wales reacts to the work going on in England on prevention. Jeff Cuthbert asked if this had been raised with the Minister and Jason confirmed that a meeting with Vaughan Gething is taking place on 24 February.


Electronic Data Management System - Jason added that it was not clear if a green light had yet been given to an electronic data management system. Julia Platts added that there are complex financial and structural issues, and the most cost effective system is being looked for, which also requires a business plan. NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) have also been looking at it. Dai informed the group that Sky DC has a ten year track record in Scotland.


Diabetes Education Ð Robert Wright commented that diabetes is a priority, yet seems to be falling behind in response to financial constraints. Jason commented that it varies across health boards. As a whole the delivery of structured education in Wales is relatively low but that has been acknowledged by Welsh Government and the Diabetes Implementation Group are looking at it. Dai Williams added that the Newly Diagnosed booklet, developed with the British Dietetic Association and Astra Zeneca has received good feedback.


A discussion took place about access to education for professionals and for primary care in particular. Julia Platts confirmed that there is variation. In Cardiff and Vale UHB, consultants go out into primary care and up skill. Rural areas are more self-reliant. 


3) Prudent Health Care


Jenny Rathbone introduced the topic and provided background to the concept, including the idea that we stop doing things in healthcare that have no benefit or even do harm and that those delivering care are delivering it at the right level using the right skills. Robert Koya-Rawlinson added that the mantra of Òno decision without meÓ and principles of co0production are relevant for prudent healthcare.


John Griffiths commented that in the UK there is an opportunity to increase the role occupational health providers play in getting staff to monitor their health, as they do in the USA. Jason Harding added that the implications of prudent healthcare for diabetes patients could mean that patient self-management becomes more important.


Julia Platts told the group that prudent healthcare is embedded in the National Delivery Plan. In fact, it is more about individually driven care rather than guideline driven care. Patient education, think glucose, Sky DC all promote prudent healthcare.


Robert Wright, Pip Ford and Dai Williams mentioned shared care plans, e-resources and awareness raising events that are all forms of prudent health care that can be built upon.


Action: CPG to write to Health Boards that have not published their annual reports


4) Diabetes Implementation Group Ð Julia Platts


The group met at the end of January and are taking forward the priorities that have previously been discussed.


Prevention - Julia told the meeting that there is still a lot of work to do. The group are working with IT experts to flag up when people are at risk of diabetes, and bringing together initiatives that are already out there.

Care Ð Wales has the worst outcomes on inpatient care and doctor-nurse time and errors. The group now need to create a plan and get a national inpatient meeting and look at getting Sky DC implemented

Footcare Ð At the end of February, a response is due from each health board on a foot care questionnaire they have all received. From this, deficiencies will be identified which will help form the action plan

Training & Education Ð The DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) course takes about a year to get up and running. The group are looking at what other health boards are doing on this



5)    Any Other Business including date of next meeting

Sub group updates Ð Jason Harding distributed written updates on both sub groups

Peter Baldwin Ð Dai told the group about thirteen year old Peter Baldwin who died suddenly of type 1 diabetes. His parents have launched and appeal to raise awareness of type 1, and Dai asked the group to look up appeal and support it.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19 May